Monday, February 22, 2010

Lace and Patterns

Some different types of lace and patten schemes I'm debating on for the background.


I was watching the show "Say Yes to the Dress" and I stated reconsidering my background for my piece. I originally wanted to do a series of pattens in a circular design around the center image but now I'm debating on doing a softground lace. Not sure yet. Still thinking about it.

Full Size

This is the size I decided my image should be on a piece of paper that is the full size of my plate.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Status Update

I don't think my drawing is finished enough to move onto hard ground, so tomorrow instead of showing my first print I'm going to display my drawing so the class can critique it before I move to actually etching the plate.

Latest edition

More of my drawing.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Begining statges of my drawing.

This is the start of my image. I've got a lot of work to do but I think its coming out okay. If you have any tips or comments let me know. Thanx :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Influances continued...

These are other images of Ganesha that have influenced my drawing.

Symbolism of Ganesha

This is the symbolism of all the different parts of imagery that will be included in my final image.


This is the main source image I am using to create my version of Ganesha.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Previous Works

My previous works come mostly from my fascination with tribal aspects of life. I have always loved dreaded hair, large gauged ears, and piercings. Most of my work deals with that subject matter. I also work with a lot of tattoo inspired art but even that always has some tribal influence. My work is largely feminine, something about the organic flow of their body that I prefer to men when I am drawing.Besides that anything that I think is beautiful I like to incorporate into my drawing. In my prints specifically I work mostly with hard ground and aqua tinting, I always liked the way the hard lines contrasted with the shading. I am hoping now to work with just hard ground but with extremely detailed designs to create a different but still interesting composition then my later works.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome to my mind.

I created this blog for class so I could document my working process for my first project.